At the border, where UN convoys were gathering, we met a guy named Mike from West Palm Beach, FL., a real estate investor who does business in Haiti and the DR. He was on a solo mission to bring supplies into Haiti from the DR. ...
Some of our friends have cancelled their vacations and they are not alone I stand with them. ?We simply can't afford to go anywhere,? says my husband Khateeb. Oh no! I cringed inside with anger. I had been planning on a vacation to ...
Contingency fee arrangements are currently the most popular fee option, as the genealogist's fees are not charged to the estate, whether or not a missing beneficiary is located. Other fee options such as time based charging can carry significant financial risk. ... To find out more about Finders please visit the Finders websites at & Please direct any queries to Samina Ansari on 020 7067 0325 or ...